Friday, January 25, 2013

How Does SHE Rate?!

 So Ma, how 'bout helpin' me get dressed?
 Hmmm, it looks a lot emptier than I remember.

 How 'bout these? I've seen the pants, but not the shirt. This could be cool.

Seriously? And just who did you have in mind for this?
Ma: I was shopping for too many dolls at once. I really wanted that for you!
Alex: Well, I want it too!
Let's see what else I have...
What's This?
Ma: Looks like a puki wig.
I'll just wear this.

I get new pajamas that make my head look huge, and clash with my hair, and pants that are a bit
too long.
What did you do with her clothes?
Seriously?! I'll bet they all fit too!
And a ball gown?!!! And this princess dress next to me! 

I clearly see who your favorite is. I'll just go dig around for some RAGS
to wear...

Monday, January 21, 2013


Soooo...I don't suppose those puki's are still around?
Guess I should buck up and go apologize, especially if that one sent me those nightmares.
Whoa! Look who's showing his face!
Marvin: You can stop right there!
We've no candy left, and it would be stale by now anyway.
Elly: Do you have any idea how sick you made Lexi?
Alex: Look, guys, I'm really sorry...
Ramune': She threw up half the morning!
Alex: That bad, huh?
Elly: Mmmmmhmmm...
Marvin: So you're not really all that welcome here.
Elly: *mouths 'go Marvin!*
Alex: Oh. I guess I'll go, then.
Elly whispers in his ear: *and those 'jammas totally clash with your hair*

Saturday, January 19, 2013

My Hair!!!

You know, Lexi, your lovely hair's getting kinda ratty on the ends.
Marvin and I could trim that for you.
If you don't mind, I'm thinking that's not such a great idea...
Elly: Aww, come on, we'll just take a bit off.

Elly: See, that wasn't so bad. Feel how soft it is now?
Lexi: O-o-o-okayyy, I'm going to bed now. Uh, thanks.

Ma? Is my hair okay?
It's beautiful, Sweetie. The puki's did a nice job.
Okay, if you say so. It does feel softer...
Goodnight, Mum.

*gasp* Is it still there?

Let me guess.....
I dreamed my hair was being butchered by vengeful little sprites...
...making it a nightmare...
..and I wake up with a PINK plushy..
...and new jammies that aren't girly for a change.
Got a story behind this one, Ma?